Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Rape of Nanking

It is always saddening to hear of such events as the Rape of Nanking. No sane human being likes to hear of mass killing in gruesome and unusual ways. Every time we discuss situations like these I always wonder if I would be one of the people who would survive and what would happen. In an event such as the Holocaust, I know I would not survive based on my appearance, but in the Rape of Nanking, I would have a fighting chance, just as the pregnant woman in the survival story told by Ms. Herman. First I wonder whether or not I could stay hidden throughout this whole event. If I were found and about to be killed, Would I survive? Could I find the strength to keep off my killer(s)? What If I were pregnant just as many of the women in Nanking were? Is my mind that stable that I can get myself together and protect my child's life and mine? To answer all this, I like to believe that I would be a survivor in any situation. I'm sure the drive for life would be motivation enough for me to make it through two and a half weeks of hell. Sadly though, this is not the reality, as many strong men, women, and children died.
The thing that comes most shocking to me about this is the way people were killed. To be buried alive would be the worst, mentally, on a person, while being slashed multiple times and even shot, would be the worst physically. Though events like the Holocaust and the Rape of Nanking really can't and shouldn't be compared, I cant help but do so. Even in the Holocaust people were tortured just because of who they were. Personally I could not imagine one person killing another just because of appearance, nationality, or belief, because in the end, we are all human. All I can do is just shake my head in disbelief and hope that I do not find myself in the situations of these poor victims.

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