Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"America held captive to utopian ideology" reaction

It was very eye opening for me to read this article because beforehand, I did not realize the economic superiority of China. Now that I think about it, it seems obvious that things would be this way since we are so used to seeing "Made in China" on almost everything we buy these days. If China is making everything we buy, of course they must be doing well (economically). Patrick Buchanan seemed to portray China as a well oiled machine in that it has dozens or nuclear power plants under construction, the Three Gorges Dam, and manages to have made deals with other countries. With that in mind, what has America been up to? In a country where we are told that we have all kinds of new technologies and such, why are we hiding in China's shadow? If America really has the means to build power plants like China, why aren't we? In a way I feel that we should mold our economy into that of China's since everyday we are reminded that our economy is struggling. Apparently China has trillions of dollars (some of which we have given them) that they can just lend away. If China has the ability to have a savings rate between a range of 35-50% why can't we? In the land where "anything is possible if you put your mind to it" we should be doing just that and making anything possible. Instead of living in this state of economic worry, we should play copy cat a little and adopt the economic ways of China.

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