Sunday, May 16, 2010

Class Discussion (5/4)- Human Rights

Growing up in a middle-class American family, one becomes sheltered from the idea that anything bad could happen to them. Thus it is an eyeopener to hear that people in parts of the world don't even receive the basic human rights that we would think is just natural for every person to have when born. For me, it is hard to believe that one human being would purposely attack another beings human rights, and strip them from the things that should be naturally theirs. Personally, I believe every human deserves first of all the right to live their own life. No one should be killed based on the way they look or their religion or anything else they believe in. Second, no one should be discriminated based on their beliefs. It is inevitable that different people are going to believe different things. That's just the way the world works and that's just how its meant to be. We were all created differently, and should not be hated against because of it.
I find it kind of pathetic that we as humans can't accept that we are different and get into wars because of it. It is quite sad that there needs to be a Declaration on Human Rights in order for them to be protected and there should be no need for the EU to have to promote human rights in other nations. Maybe it's just me and my modern thinking, but we are all human and that should be enough for us to all get along. We all don't have to agree with each others beliefs but we should be able to respect them as mature human beings. I find it childish that people are starting whole wars because some group of people are different than them. In the end though, these thoughts are just coming from the sheltered little girl, living in her middle-class American home, leaving her unable to understand why wars really start. In the end, the mature people of the world wouldn't start a war over differences, now would they???

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